Selling your home? You probably have a lot of questions.
Sellers Info
Selling your home? You probably have a lot of questions.
Questions like:
“Why should I use a real estate agent?”
“How long will it take for my home to sell?”
“How can I make my home more attractive to potential buyers?”
When it comes to selling your home, we aren’t just Realtors. We are your neighbors.
We bring a high level of personalized, friendly service to every sale, whether we are helping you buy or sell a home.
At Enterprise Realtors, we aren’t just agents. With more than 20 years of combined agent experience, we are experts in all things real estate. We strive to provide you with a professional service while also providing invaluable resources, tools, and tips to make the home selling process a smooth one.
Why Use An Agent
If you are selling your house, you may very well think that you can save time and hassle by doing it all yourself. The truth? Well, you CAN sell your own house. But it will probably take you a lot longer, you will spend a lot more time on paperwork, and you may not get as good of a price.
According to the National Association of Realtors, members ”are committed to
In addition, Realtors have the marketing know-how, the market resources, and the industry knowledge to help you prepare your home to sell, show it to the best possible potential buyers, and help you navigate the piles of paperwork.
Have more questions? Please get in touch with us! Or visit our About Us section for more about our outstanding team.
Quick Tips for Sellers
Make a good first impression!
1. You’ll never have more activity on the home than you will in the first three to four weeks of the listing. The reason is simple: there are buyers out there who have seen everything available and for one reason or another, haven’t bought. They are just waiting for something new to come on the market.
2. When that new property does hit the market, buyers and agents both will scramble to look at it. It is common knowledge that the property will usually sell for the highest price during this time. After the initial surge of interest, the only people to look at it will be those buyers new to the marketplace.
3. Make your home look and feel like a builder’s model home. Everything should look like it belongs even if it means storing some things until the home is sold. You are trying to create a feeling that makes potential buyers want to move in.
4. Don’t wait to see if the house will sell first before implementing these making repairs or replacing items. Once you do decide to do something, don’t do just the easy ones or just the bare minimum.
5. The property needs to look good from the street, up the sidewalk, on the front porch, throughout the house, in the darkest closets, and even in the attic. You definitely want to give the impression of a well cared for home.
6. You want the prospective buyer to feel that this home is quality all the way through, not just on the surface.
7. You are competing with every other home that is currently for sale: new and pre-owned, your area and other areas, those listed with agents and those trying to sell themselves; even with the foreclosures in the market.
8. Your property must appeal to
9. Typical buyers put all of their savings into the down payment and closing costs and don’t have anything left over to improve the home such as replacing old, worn-out things. Those buyers will have to live with that carpet until they can afford to replace it.
10. If buyers have a choice of two comparable properties similar in price, they’ll choose the one in the best condition. Just as on the other hand, if two properties are similar in condition, the buyers will choose the one that is less money.
11. Stand at the street and look at the house. If all you can see are trees and shrubs, you have some yard work to do. One of the easiest things to do is trim the shrubs that are overgrown. They should be lowered to a height near the bottom of the windows. If there is ivy growing on the side of the home, remove it.
12. If there are tree branches hanging low in the yard, they need to be pruned. A simple rule of thumb is to have all the limbs high enough so that you can walk under the tree.
13.Invest in a few flats of flowers such as petunias or periwinkles that will last the entire growing season. They will add color and beauty to the front of your home. Consider putting some nice looking flower pots on the porch with red geraniums or some other blooming plants in them.
14. Look at the front door and the area around it. Give it a fresh coat of paint. If the doorbell is broken, replace it. Wash the mail box. Keep the porch swept. Get an attractive mat for people to wipe their feet.
15. Air out the home. You are the last person to notice any peculiar odor in your home that may be blatantly obvious to visitors. Go on a search to find the offender. It may be a kitty litter box or a dog bed. It might even be a mildewed shower.
16. Wash all the windows in the house, inside and out. While you’re at it, clean the window sills and the bottom of the window jambs, and wash the blinds.
17. If it has been over a year since you’ve had the carpets cleaned, now is the time to do it. The bare floors should also be waxed or polished, even if they’re supposed to be “no wax.”
18. Put bright light bulbs in every socket made for a bulb. Buyers like “bright and cheery” so you have to keep it from looking like a dungeon. You’ll also want to keep the drapes and shades open during the day, even if you’re not in the habit, because it will make the property look better.
19. Clean out all of the closets, cabinets, and drawers. Get rid of things you haven’t used in the past five years. Pack up everything that you haven’t used in the last year.
20. Closets should look as they have enough room to hold additional items. You might need to box up off-season clothes to make it look that way. Get everything off the floor and don’t have the shelves piled to the ceiling.
21. Even though it may be inconvenient, you will be far better off by selecting the furniture pieces that look best and putting the others in the garage, basement, or better yet, in storage. You can rent a mini-warehouse for a few dollars a month.
22. Go over the kitchen like a health inspector. Clean the oven and keep it that way, even if it means eating out more often. After cleaning the range, put new drip pans under the burners, or at least, cover the old ones with foil. Clean around the seal of the door of the dishwasher.
23. Bath tubs, showers and sinks should be freshly caulked. All the grout should be clean and in good condition. There are excellent cleaners that will do the job without tons of scrubbing. There should be no leaks in the faucets or traps.
24. Keep children’s toys out of the front yard and off the sidewalks and front porch. Get the teenagers and children to understand the importance of keeping the house looking good while it is on the market. Take down the posters until the house is sold.
25. Clean the ashes out of the fireplace during the season that it isn’t being used.
26. Be sure there is a light in the attic so it is easy and safe for people to walk.
27. If you don’t have time for a garage sale, consider donating things to charity. Make a list of all the items and their estimated value, and be sure to get a receipt.
28. A small investment that can make big returns. Easy improvements with big returns:
a. Change the wallpaper in the entry, kitchen, and bathrooms if necessary.
b. Replace ugly or out of style light fixtures.
c. Completely paint the inside of the home and put all new floor coverings down. Add new window treatments.
d. Ceiling fans are attractive and they are also very practical.
e. New appliances in the kitchen can be an exciting feature that can actually make the difference in a prospect choosing your home over another.
Tips For Showings
1. When the agent arrives with the prospects, have the drapes and window shades open to let in as much daylight as possible. If it happens to be night, be sure that all of your outdoor lights are on, especially landscape and pool lights if you have them.
2. Open all the doors between rooms to give an inviting feeling. Turn on all of the lights including the lamps. Tune the radio to some quiet, “elevator-style” music.
3. Pick up any newspapers or magazines that may be lying around. See that the counters are free of unnecessary items and that any dirty dishes are put in the dishwasher. Take out the trash if needed.
4. If you have pets, get them out of the way. Not everyone may share your love for animals. Some people may even be allergic to them.
5. The beds should be made and clothes picked up. Bathrooms should be clean and the toilet lid down.
6. When you leave the house in the morning or during the day, please leave it as if you know it is going to be shown. It’s difficult sometimes and might even mean you have to get up a little earlier in order to take care of these important items. You never know when the right person is going to look at it, so you must always be ready for them.
Your Home Sold
Your goal (and our goal) is to have your home sell quickly.
One of the first questions people ask when selling their home is, “How fast do you think my home will sell?” The answer to that question varies based on three things: supply and demand, price and exposure.
1. Supply and Demand
Where you live plays a crucial role in determining how your home will sell. Do people want to live in your neighborhood? Are there a lot of ‘For Sale’ signs in your neighborhood? Your home will sell likely sell very quickly if your neighborhood is in high demand. Whereas, if no one wants to live where you live, it could take a very long time to sell your home.
2. Pricing
What is the market value of your home?
This value is mutually exclusive from what you paid for your home, what it appraised for, and what you need to sell it for. Market value is strictly the amount that the market can bear for your home – what someone would be willing to pay for your home.
If you price your home aggressively – below market value – you home will likely sell within a matter of days. This is your choice though. You may choose to price it above market value. If you do this, your home will likely sell but it may take a very long time for it to sell.
Click here to find out the market value of your home!
3. Exposure
Your agent’s job is to market your home for you through their websites, social media and other outlets.
Click here to check out our Facebook Page where we feature listed properties, share helpful tips and keep you informed.
These three elements work together determining the length of time your home will stay on the market. On average, most homes sell within 30-90 days.
Want to do more to help your home sell quickly?